Several software settings can be controled via the Options feature that is found under the main Tools
menu in the GCMRC Workbench. The settings are grouped into a series of tabs that are described below. A video demonstrating each of these tabs appears at the bottom of this page.
Load Last Database - Check this box to automatically reload the last used database when the Workbench launches. This avoids having to choose
File - Open
and browsing to the desired local database each time. -
Open View At Startup - If you always tend to use one of the core database views then you can select it here and it will be opened automatically each time that the software starts. This is helpful, say, if you only tend to work with sandbar sites. Choose
-- None --
to disable this feature and the workbench will start without a view open. -
Sandbar Folder Identification - Select which site code format - either four or five digit format - is used to store the corgrid point text files that are used for the sandbar analysis.
Installation GUID - This is used by software developers only.
The folders tab specifies several local folder paths used by the sandbar workbench. Click on a row in the table to change a path.
- Sandbar Topo Data - this is the top level folder where point corgrid text files are located. Under the path specified there should be one folder for each sandbar site.
- Remote Camera Photo Image Folder - the top level folder where full, web and thumbnail images are located. Under the path specified there should be one folder for each remote camera setup identified by its setup code.
- Sandbar Analsys Results - this is the default folder where sandbar analysis results will be written. This is just the default and you can override this folder each time that you run the software.
Sandbar Analysis
This tab stores several defaults for the sandbar analysis Python script. These values can overwritten each time that the analysis is run and the values stored here are just the defaults. See the sandbar analysis configuration page for more information on these settings.
Error Logging
Check the box to share status and error information with the workbench software development team. Enabling this feature is extremely helpful for the developers as it transmits anonymous information about any software crashes directly to the developers in real time.
When communicating with developers about software errors its also extremely helpful if you include the installation logging key. This is unique to your workbench installation and will help them identify your issues in the log.
The dates tab lets you specify the way dates are displayed in several locations throughout the software.
The sandbar analysis code uses several important Python configuration settings. See the Python Configuration page for more information on these settings and how to configure them.