Viewing the properties of a sandbar is achieved by opening the list of sandbar sites from the Views menu and then then double clicking the site in question. Note that this opens a read only view of the sandbar properties. To edit the properties of a sandbar, right click on the site and select Edit. There is a video demonstration of the sandbar site properties view at the bottom of this page.


Basic Properties

The basic properties tab lists all the attributes that the workbench maintains for a particular sandbar site. Again, each of these basic properties is editable, but not in this read only view.

sandbar properties

Stage Discharge

Click here to read more about the stage discharge tab.


Click here to read more about how the workbench stores information about each of the surveys to sandbar sites.

Area and Volume Analysis

Click here to read more about viewing the area and volume results from the sandbar analysis.


The map tab shows a Bing Maps aerial image of the sandbar site. This requires the site to have the latitude and longitude properties to be set.



The remarks tab shows the long form text description for the site. Again, this information is edited by right clicking on the sandbar site back in the main list of sandbar sites and selected Edit.


Video Demonstration