Getting Started


  1. Download and install the Sandbar Workbench software.

  2. Obtain a copy of the latest Sandbar Workbench database from the application owner within GCMRC.


Launch the Sandbar Workbench software and configure the following items under the Tools - Options menu item.

  1. On the Folders tab set the following three folders:
    • Sandbar Topo Data: This is the folder that contains the raw point cloud topo data for sandbars. This will typically be P:\PHYSICAL\Sandbars\Topo_Data\corgrids
    • Remote Camera Photo Image Folder: This is the folder containing the images for the remote camera setups. This will typically be P:\PHYSICAL\Sandbars\RemoteCameras
    • Sandbar Analysis Results: This is the local folder on your computer where you want sandbar analysis to be performed and the results written.
  2. On the Error Logging tab check the box to share status and error information with developers.